Spit6 / CGT6 Project

  What about the braking systems?

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    but this area is still under construction.
....data still being collected and updated....


         Brake cylinder sizes varied across models. Looking through parts catalogs and other tech. literature, I've been able to put together a list  as follows:

  Front Caliper Comparison

Spitfire GT6 type P/N
MKI,MKII -- 12 left - 210988
right - 210989


-- 14 left - 159131
right - 159130
-- MKI,MKII to KC56077 16P
left - 307977
right - 307976
-- MKII from KC56078,
MKIII to KE12389/KF123390
left - 311851
right - 311852


MKIII from KE123390/KF123391 16PB
left - 159026
right - 159027

spit6_frntbrakes_spit.jpg (10870 bytes)

spit6_frntbrakes_gt6.jpg (9444 bytes)

The GT6 had larger disk rotors and calipers.
: Use the entire front suspension from from the GT6


  Front Rotor Comparison

Spitfire GT6 rotor dia./thk." P/N
All -- 8.5"d/ ?"T left - 210988
right - 210989


-- 8.5"d/ ?"T left - 159131
right - 159130
-- MKI,MKII to KC56077 9.25"d/ ?"T left - 307977
right - 307976
-- MKII from KC56078,MKIII to KE12389/KF123390 9.25"d/ ?"T left - 311851
right - 311852


MKIII from KE123390/KF123391 9.25"d/ ?"T left - 159026
right - 159027




The GT6 had larger disk rotors and calipers.
: Use the entire front suspension from from the GT6


   Front Brake Backplate Comparison
Spitfire GT6


ALL -- right - 213232
left - 213233
-- MKI to FC15219 right - 208708
left - 208713
-- MKI from FC15220 right - 211046
left - 211047
-- MKIII,MKIV,1500 right - 213680
left -213681




The GT6 had larger disk rotors and calipers.
: Use the entire front suspension from from the GT6.


  Rear Brake Cylinder Comparison

Spitfire GT6



MKI,MKII,MKIII up to FC89096

MKI to KC7278 3/4" GWC1208
MKIII after FC89096,MKIV,1500 to FH80001 MKI after KC7278, all MKII 5/8" GWC1202
1500 from FH80001 MKIII to KE/KF20000 11/16" GWC1110


MKIII after KE/KF20001


   Rear Brake Backplate Comparison
Spitfire GT6


MKI,MKII,MKIII,MKIV to FH50000 -- right - 131809
left - 131810
MKIV from FH50000 -- right - 219010
left - 219011
-- MKI non rotoflex right - 209260
left - 209259
-- MKII,MKIII rotoflex right - 214817
left - 214818
-- Late MKIII non rotoflex
(self adjusting??)
right - 209260
left -209259





   Master Brake Cylinder Comparison

Spitfire GT6


-- All vehicles up to KE/KF20000 single line 0.7" dia. GMC209
-- All vehicles after KE/KF20000 single line
0.75" dia.
-- All vehicles up to KE/KF20000 dual line cylinder 213690
-- All vehicles after KE/KF20000 dual line cylinder 218947
UK and export MKI,MKII,MKIII,MKIV,1500 imperial fittings
all UK vehicles up to FH130000 - all export vehicles except Belgium and France

single line

Export vehicles to France and Belgium only up to FH80000 -- single line GMC220
UK and export vehicles 1500 models only metric and imperial fittings All UK spec 1500 from FH130000 All export spec 15000 from FH80000 -- dual line cylinder GMC226
Export vehicles only MKIII,MKIV,1500 only - imperial fittings - All export spec to FH80000 -- dual line cylinder 213689

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