The phrase TEGLERIZED was first coined in 1984, by a co-worker describing a piece of equipment he was tasked with updating. He didn't like how small or how intricately it had been built. He didn't like being tasked with modifying something that worked so well and had lasted so long. The term stuck. In 1987, TEGLERIZER(tm) was conceived as a custom electronics design and manufacturing firm. The primary focus was on custom robotics and remote control systems. Over the years, with a passion for computer software, video, graphics and animation, the array of services offered by TEGLERIZER(tm) was expanded to cover these diversified arenas as well. Progressive thinking and the combination of multiple fields of expertise, has led to the development of what we call, 'organic engineering'. This is the electronic interface design and software programming of, remote control systems, interfacing almost anything conceivable to a computer. From handicapped assistants to machine vision based alarm triggers, to shareware and custom graphics applications (for DOS and Windows(C)), in the field of image processing and video capture systems. A history begins with 16+ years experience, working for a large U.S. Navel military contractor in the areas of Passive Towed Array Sonar and marine navigational equipment. As a Quality Assurance Engineer, designing, building, and programming computer automated test facilities, exposed Paul Tegler (our COO) to quite a diversification of interface and design challenges. Controlling electronics, pneumatics, environmental test chambers, and other various mechanical and electronic test facilities only covers a small aspect of interfaces and procedures developed. 1989 culminated in the development completion of a full blown networked C.A.S.E. environment (Computer Aided Software Engineering). Non-programmer engineers then required NO knowledge of the software or system's specs, to develop standardized 'pre-approved' test sequences of custom hybrid micro-circuits being built in a clean-room environment. As a consulting service, TEGLERIZER (tm) has developed hazardous environment computer systems for scientific instrument manufacturers, set up custom distributed-rendering animation networks (rendering farms), developed ergonomic hardware/operator interface systems, household automation systems for the handicapped, surveillance systems, alarm and monitoring systems, remote I/O control for factory automation, and custom programming of various operator/machine interface systems. Recent projects have centered around the design and development of surveillance electronics and computer based imaging systems, tied to robotics for both inspection and factory wide automation. Architectural and manufacturing firms have used TEGLERIZER(tm) for computer modeling and animation programming for presentations. Personal interests in computer multi-media, and the popularity of the WEB, have led to the mixing of technologies once again, in the areas of Virtual Reality hardware and software development for use in WWW and VRML authoring. Following a desire to expand his fields of knowledge, in 1993 Paul re-joined Gould Electronics Fiber Optics Division. As a senior research and development engineer, his developments of the networked, automated manufacturing and testing facilities, positioned Gould for it's acquisition of multiple patents in the manufacturing of passive fused biconical taper fiber optic couplers, and the trademarked and patented 'GlasSolder®' patents. The LBC (Little British Cars) automobile enthusiasts arena knows the name Paul Tegler and Teglerizer, as well. Paul's visibility comes from his own personal restoration efforts and web based documentation thereof. The current collection of technical cross-references, research, photographic records and archives are recognized as one of the very best on the web today. Teglerizer is host to The International GT6 Registry Database and the Spit6/CGT6 Hybrid Project Registry, as well as the MG and Triumph Photo based Color Databases. His handiwork, technical articles, panoramic digital photographs, and personal automobiles have been featured in no less than five different printed publications in just the last few years. Paul is also the Founder and Creator of the North American Spitfire Squadron, the premier international organization, centric on the Triumph Spitfire and GT6, with nearly 400+ members worldwide. In 1997, Paul was honored with an official induction, recognition and acceptance into, the International Who's Who of Business Professionals as a testament to his professional, academic, and civic achievements. As always, it's a bit hard to say where TEGLERIZER(tm)'s focus is. Current focus seems to be mixing and connecting Internet based interfaces, to video surveillance and remote monitoring systems for home and small business use. Presently new interests and old passions have admittedly left us spread a little thin. Consulting work requiring an R.F.P., is only accepted on the basis of one of us being personally interested in the activity. We welcome your quandaries. |
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last edited 4/2/03