Well... to be honest .... I've been here for more than 10 years. Just surfaced recently (in dog years) to leave info for people needing my contact. I guess I'm one of those that fall into the category of people who don't really appreciate the WWW technology clogging the bandwidth on the Internet these days. I've been using the Internet since the DOS days and the UNIX : (double-dot) prompt. You had to know all the UNIX commands to xfer files and stuff. A 2400 baud modem was a screamer, if the other end had one. The garbage on most WEB pages (I include mine in the statement) contain info and bandwidth gobbling stuff that really, just isn't needed to present your point.
This site is here to help limit the surfing required, by supplying info to USEFUL Inet resources.
Contact Information
Electronic mail
last updated 05/13/09