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      Whitey's Miata Seat Swap

                      Miata Seat to Spitfire Roof Clearances

     The initial impression is there shouldn't be any problems here. After the mount slide feet are removed, the seat should sit an inch lower than in these photos.

    The folded frame of the convertible top fits nicely down the side of the seat due to the seats shape below the 'shoulders' of the backrest.

sm_roof_clearance.jpg (18567 bytes)
Initial test fit comparison- roof clearance.


   Another area of concern is access behind the seats from the doorways. The original Spitfire seats could be flipped forward by releasing the seat back, base handle. The Miata seats do not lift like that. BUT!...


sm_seatback_pos1.jpg (17622 bytes)
   As you can see the Miata seat flips forward farther than the Spitfire seats ever would, without having to lift the whole seat.


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last edited 02/22/10

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