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The 1980 Floors

The Exterior     The Engine      the Interior     

       Wow! Almost ZERO rust! I just can't believe for a 20 year old convertible with a ripped roof, that there is so little rust on the floors!

        This is why I just didn't have the heart to rip out the engine and O/D tranny to put in the '75 (which is originally why I bought it) when this tub and chassis are in such superb shape!

bs_fullfloor.jpg (4059 bytes) I was astonished to find almost ZERO RUST!

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     There are a few surface spots, but not even enough to flake up any metal. Just small patches of brown surface.... 'dust'.    

I was amazed at the condition of the ORIGINAL O.E.M. molded carpet still in the car. All it needed was a really good cleaning.  A little elbow grease, carpet cleaner, and a vacuum, and except for a few wear marks, look almost new again.


bs_overdrive.jpg (3689 bytes)
Before the tunnel went back in I grabbed
another shot of the O/D.

     Although in the photo's below, there is no driver's door inside panel and the passenger's door is tan/(faded beige?) it now has black door panels. The rear and side panels will be black soon as well.

bs_carpet3.jpg (8236 bytes) Well here it is after the carpet was cleaned and re-installed.


...man was that molded carpet easy to install !
(...or am I just proficient at it now?..)

...and the back panel and wheel arch area. bs_bp2.jpg (7644 bytes)
bs_odcarpet.jpg (8276 bytes) the passenger side minus the seat and center radio console and parcel shelf.

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     A new black center armrest and trim panel went in just after these photos were taken. The radio tunnel will go in next. The dash woodwork is in very good condition. The veneer is crack free!

     After considering the price of NEW seat covers, I settled on fake sheep skins. Not my preference, but what the heck.... They're comfortable, cooler to sit on then vinyl in this summer heat, and really don't look that bad at all.


...more photos to come as I get back to working on this portion of the resto.


The Exterior     The Engine      The Interior