In April 1981, I purchased 'NEW', one of the last seven 1980 Triumph Spitfire 1500's
officially sold by a dealership anywhere east of the Mississippi River. (...and can prove
That Spitfire was my
twenty-first automobile, and the first NEW automobile I had ever purchased. I was so proud
of my sporty little beauty. She took me everywhere. 20K miles her very first year alone.
At 26K miles the front road springs were still as shiny as the body paint work. You could
tell who was who in your reflections from twenty feet away! I kid you not. Oh how I was
proud of that car.
Just shy of 27K miles, the
nimbleness of the handling saved my life... but ended that Spitfire's. An old man in a
old, large, beat up farm truck came barreling around a blind corner, more over in my lane
than in his. Even at only 35 MPH, I would have easily become a 'wheel-chock' under the
front end of the truck. I flipped the wheel, punched the throttle and got the nose of the
Spit out of the way but he still clipped me in the driver's side rear quarter. The impact
spun me, rolled me over twice into a ditch, with a final pirouette on the nose, before
landing upright on the wheels back on the road facing the wrong way. Luckily I had
just put the hardtop on that very afternoon.
On a happier note,... I had
witnesses, ( the cars behind me ) so the insurance companies paid fairly and the parts
went to many friends. My soon to become wife, continued to drive her 1977 Spitfire for
fourteen years and 142K miles as her year round daily driver, despite my accident.
A few "...we need a
vehicle for camping.." 4x4's later, 15 years, and a now an X-2-be....,
have let me once again return to an old passion. Sports cars. Hence, these pages, and my
new (re-newed) love affair with LBC's.
Pictures with a blue frame take you to that car's story.
(Click on the car itself in the picture)

wrecked 1982
1980 Spitfire 1500 (back in 1980)

1976 Spitfire
1980 Spitfire 1500
sold summer of
1999 sold
Fall 1999

1978 Spitfire 1500
sold Spring 2000

1975 Spitfire 1500
completed 2000

late 1973 MKIII GT6
completed 2003

based Spit6
sold 2006

Whitey reborn as

Fuel Injected Spit6 (mid-engine, no bonnet bulge) completed 2006

sold 2009