Whitey - A 1975 Spitfire 6 Cylinder and Fuel Injected Conversion |
Shipwright's Disease
kicks in. Since I've mangled all this metal work, (with a bit more
yet to go...) I figured this almost 6 year old rattle can, waxed over
primer paint has got to go. So Whitey gets a new look. It's taken
me nearly a year to get to this...mostly because I couldn't decide on a
color. . |
I finally found one color that really caught my eye. I come to find it was on used on the Dodge Ram Daytona. It as a coppery red/orange color. We'll the first paint mix was a disaster. The guy mixed the wrong paint. It ended up a bit more orange than anything else. Well I already have an orange car (well... Blaze Red, OBie, my '73 MGBGT) and after testing it on the firewall...I decided I didn't like it. So back to the paint shop, a mix adjustment and another respray test.... nah...still no good. It just doesn't look right. |
Well.... Since Gail let's me get away spending as much time as I do on all my hobbies, (cars, robotics, embedded microprocessor programming, dirt bikes, cycling, software, etc etc etc) I figured it was time to appease her once again. So my color choices shifted dramatically at the last minute, to BLUE. OK... me... of course not just any blue. A bold electric blue, with a green pearl thrown in. Notice the color difference in the bonnet out in the daylight, vs the deeper blue of the car in the shade in the garage. |
This bonnet really pissed me off! Especially after having just sold a fantastic condition bonnet along with The Bastard Child. I decided to try the Aircraft Stripper route, (rather than sand, like I did the rest of the car) to take the bonnet down to bare metal. It turns out it had nearly 1/8" of paint on it. Primer, original brown, red, then another primer layer, then the white on it when I bought it, then the white enamel I'd put on it. Little did I know there was a ton of bondo all over it to hide all the dings and dents all over it. Oh well... live and learn. The fact is...that stripper REALLY does work! I used the blue-change-to-white gel stuff. In under 15 minutes...I had the biggest mess on my hands I've ever encountered when working on cars. I did it out in the backyard, on a big tarp. It worked just as advertised. I still had a bunch of sanding to do...but not nearly as much as it would have been sanding alone. This is when I discovered the vast (albeit thin) layers of bondo all over the bonnet, to cover various dents and bumps. Well I spent the better part of a day, just dinging out dents and waves. Got pretty good at it after awhile. You can still see a bunch...so it won't be a show car, but who cares. I plan to drive this sucker regularly! So parking it in a shopping center lot won't bother me either.
..stay tuned... LOTS
more to come...
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